WP1 - Project management
- Internal management at all levels
- Collection, analysis, communication, and use of information on the physical and financial progress of the project and the achieved results;
- Monitoring through formal reporting and informal communication.
dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD
title Work packages distribution
axisFormat %Y-%m
tickInterval 3month
todayMarker off
section WP1 - Project<br> management
T1.1 - Project management :active, t11, 2023-01-01, 2025-12-31
Kick-off meeting :milestone, 2023-01-25, 0d
Kick-off meeting
Held in January 25, 2023.
Website launch
To be announced in March 2023.
Quality Management Plan
The mechanism for coordination and communication will be described and regulated by a quality management plan, which will be defined within WP1. The quality plan has to guarantee the correct implementation of the activities, the achievement of the goals, and the validation of the results of the project.
Budget implementation
The coordinator (UCLM) will be in charge of monitoring budget implementation and outputs by analysing the project progress concerning the planned activities. Periodical meetings (at least 4 times a year, remotely or in presence) will be carried out.
Page last updated: 01 September 2022