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Work plan

The project is decomposed into five work packages. Brief overview of work plan.

gantt dateFormat YYYY-MM-DD title Work packages distribution axisFormat %Y-%m tickInterval 3month todayMarker off section WP1 - Project<br> management T1.1 - Project management :active, t11, 2023-01-01, 2025-12-31 section WP2 - Identification<br> of engineering<br> competences T2.1 - Identification of engineering degrees to be analysed :done, t21, 2023-01-01, 90d T2.2 - Identification of the technical competences :done, t22, 2023-02-01, 90d T2.3 - Quantification of the level of acquisition of the selected competences :done, t23, 2023-01-01, 60d T2.4 - Selection of the technical competences to be handled (iteration 1) : t24, 2023-02-01, 90d T2.4 - Selection of the technical competences to be handled (iteration 2) : t24b, 2023-12-01, 60d T2.4 - Selection of the technical competences to be handled (iteration 3) : t24c, 2024-12-01, 60d section WP3 - Development<br> of teaching material<br> and digital repository T3.1 - High level design of the device : t31, 2023-04-01, 2023-07-31 T3.2 - Detailed design and start-up documentation : t32, 2023-05-01, 2025-04-30 T3.3 - Preparation of the teaching material : t33, 2023-07-01, 2025-04-30 T3.4 - Development of the digital repository : t34, 2023-09-01, 2025-09-30 section WP4 - Competences<br> monitoring and<br> reengineering T4.1 - Active intervention over the students (iteration 1) : t41, 2023-07-01, 2023-10-31 T4.1 - Active intervention over the students (iteration 2) : t41b, 2024-07-01, 2024-10-31 T4.1 - Active intervention over the students (iteration 3) : t41c, 2025-07-01, 2025-10-31 T4.2 - Monitoring the new level of competences acquisition (iteration 1) : t42, 2023-07-01, 2023-11-30 T4.2 - Monitoring the new level of competences acquisition (iteration 2) : t42b, 2024-07-01, 2024-11-30 T4.2 - Monitoring the new level of competences acquisition (iteration 3) : t42c, 2025-07-01, 2025-11-30 T4.3 - Redesigning and reengineering towards the improvement : t43, 2023-09-01, 2025-04-30 section WP5 - Diffusion and<br> HE competences<br> network creation T5.1 - Searching external collaboration (iteration 1) : t51, 2023-12-01, 2024-02-28 T5.1 - Searching external collaboration (iteration 2) : t51b, 2024-12-01, 2025-02-28 T5.1 - Searching external collaboration (iteration 3) : t51c, 2025-12-01, 2026-02-28 T5.2 - Diffusion of the results : t52, 2023-12-01, 2025-12-31 T5.3 - HE Network for monitoring and improving competences in engineering : t53, 2025-02-01, 2025-12-31 click t11 href "/wp1#t11" click t21 href "/wp2#2.1-identification-of-engineering-degrees-to-be-analysed" click t22 href "/wp2/#2.2-identification-of-the-technical-competences" click t23 href "/wp2#t23" click t24 href "/wp2#t24" click t31 href "/wp3#t31" click t32 href "/wp3#t32" click t33 href "/wp3#t33" click t34 href "/wp3#t34" click t41 href "/wp4#t41" click t42 href "/wp4#t42" click t43 href "/wp4#t43" click t51 href "/wp5#t51" click t52 href "/wp5#t52" click t53 href "/wp5#t53"